Going with Frontiers

Getting Started

Perhaps you’ve only just started to think about overseas ministry in the Muslim world. Or maybe it’s been on your mind for some time, but you’re not sure how to move forward with it. Here are some ideas and resources to help you be intentional as you continue to explore what God might be leading you into.

   Read some books

Here are two titles that we recommend:

  • Across the Street and Around the World, by Jeannie Marie

  • You've Got Libya, by Greg Livingstone


Get some mentoring from someone in your church regarding your interest in overseas ministry. We have guidance available to help with this. Fill in the Contact form to ask for mentoring resources.

  Attend an Islamics course

If you want to learn more about Islam and how to better engage with Muslims we can recommend some courses.

  Get in touch

At Frontiers New Zealand we always love to connect with people who have a heart for our work. If you have any questions or you just want to say hi, send us a message on the Contact Page

  Go long term

We have a large number of teams living in around 50 countries. People who join Frontiers can either join an existing team or start a new team in an unreached area. For more information on what goes into being part of a team, read about what we do.

We value the uniqueness of everyone who comes to us and we will strive to place you somewhere you will thrive.

Frontiers New Zealand. Jesus for Muslims

Muslims honour Jesus

If you are considering whether the Lord might use you to bring the good news of Jesus to the Muslim world let us know. We’d love to begin talking with you about joining or starting a new team.

Jesus for Muslims

Frontiers New Zealand. Jesus for Muslims. Food preparation