Frontiers New Zealand. Jesus for Muslims. Mosque.

About Frontiers New Zealand

Frontiers New Zealand is part of the Frontiers international movement which seeks, with love and respect, to invite all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.

Why We Exist

About one in four people in the world is Muslim. Most have never met a follower of Jesus, nor had the opportunity to learn about Jesus himself. Our goal is to see God raise up an indigenous gathering of followers of Jesus among all Muslim people groups.

What We Do

Frontiers New Zealand helps individuals and their supporting churches make disciples of Jesus in all nations.We do this often by living, working and raising families in Muslim communities. We show through our lives and words that God loves all peoples. We identify with Muslims but also seek to bring new hope and blessing. We are guests in their community, not seeking to convert people to a foreign religion or culture but still wanting to clearly present the truth of Jesus.

We seek to serve God among the unreached and unengaged peoples of the Muslim world. We do this in a variety of ways. This is inspired by the creative character of God who has made us all unique, but who brings all cultures together in his community. Frontiers welcomes individuals, couples and families. We welcome younger people and more mature people alike.

Who We Are

In 1982, Frontiers founder Greg Livingstone asked himself three simple questions.

  • Why are Muslims so often excluded from hearing the redemptive message of the Gospel and the gift of Jesus Christ?

  • What is the God of the Bible going to do about it

  • How can the first communities of Muslim-born believers begin where none currently exist?

From this, Livingstone began a new way of ministry, sending teams of Christians to bring hope in Christ to Muslims. The Frontiers Movement was born.

Since 1982, Frontiers has helped reduce the number of unengaged Muslim people groups to 1,000+. We look forward to the day when our work is done, and the message of the Gospel has been brought to every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 5:9).

Much of our progress has been due to our commitment to learn from our mistakes and to identify and promote practices that our teams are finding helpful. Our learning is greatly enhanced through being a culturally diverse movement. Today we have more than 1,100 members in over 240 teams serving in 50 countries around the world. Our learning is greatly enhanced through being a culturally diverse movement with 30 national 'sending' offices worldwide.

How We Do It

Our focus is on living amongst Muslims in places where no-one has previously made Jesus’ love known.  We are responding to God’s heart for all peoples and His call to be a blessing to the ends of the earth. Our role in this is to live out the love of Jesus in Muslim communities. We aspire to see people transformed by Jesus and in worshiping communities that are locally led and equipped for growth and multiplication.  What we do looks different in different places. Wherever we are there are core values that inform our approach and our work. 

People who join Frontiers and live overseas are committed to:

  • Joining a team of like-minded people and living in unreached Muslim communities.

  • Learning the language and engaging in the culture of the people they live amongst.

  • Using their giftings and vocational skills to bless the communities they live in.

  • Sharing the good news of Jesus and inviting people to follow Him.

  • Seeing people, families and communities transformed through Jesus, and worshipping, growing, healthy communities of Christ followers come into being. It is our desire to see these fellowships multiply and lead to movements.

If you want to dig deeper and talk to us more about who we are and what we do, please get in touch through the Contact page.

We Form Teams

Because the Muslim world is so large and diverse, Frontiers teams look different in different places. Each team works out how best to fulfil their calling to make disciples in the place they live, and are committed to helping their communities through things like teaching, running businesses, building wells, providing medical care, art and science. Our teams do so many different things. We value the uniqueness of everyone who comes to us and we will strive to place you somewhere you will thrive.

Teams have the freedom, within our core values, to seek God’s wisdom and direction for their own particular situation. Decisions are made closest to the action.

Living overseas can be challenging so we have a dedicated member care team to be there for you when needed to ensure your wellbeing.

We are Diverse, but Unified

Like-minded people united in a common vision can achieve a lot more than individuals. Teams offer mutual support and complementary gifts. We place a high emphasis on training, mentoring and accountability provided by people with hands-on experience so that even younger or less experienced people can thrive and develop their leadership potential.

We are united in our commitment to live by Biblical truths, but seek to be gracious in embracing diversity. Go to our Statement of Faith

 We Partner with Home Churches

We believe it is the church’s responsibility to send people, so we place a high emphasis on partnering with the home churches of those that go. It is our focus to facilitate people and churches with a vision to serve God among the unreached and unengaged peoples of the Muslim world.

Recruit... new workers and teams to go to unreached Muslim people groups.

Mentor...them on their journey towards going overseas.

Encourage... them in their walk with God and character growth.

Train... workers with the tools they’ll need to be effective in the place God is calling them.

Coach...them in raising the support they’ll need to sustain them on the field.

Connect... them with teams on the field that they might join.

Jesus for Muslims